Crosby Lunch 1973 photo: Jody Saslow note: DSNY-issued street sweeper consisted of a trash can on wheels

Rodriguez Restaurant 1989 photo: Peter Hoffman

Rodriguez Restaurant 1989 photo: Peter Hoffman

PH inside on first day of possession February1990

NYTimes classified ad July 1990 special thanks to Dave Wurth who saved the ad

Early Crew 1990 left to right: Thierry Amezcua, Kim Lee, Deb Weinstein, Peter Hoffman, Susan Rosenfeld, Raymond Childs, Bob Bender, Linda Noble, Able Morra, David Wurth

Core Kitchen 1991 left to right: Charlie Kiely, Peter Hoffman, Thierry Amezcua, David Wurth, Deb Weinstein, Susan Rosenfeld, Raymond Childs photo: Robin Holland

Greenmarket Chef Shoot for The New Yorker “Cooking Game” by Adam Gopnik August 19, 2002 left to right: Phillipe Bertineau, Mike Anthony, Dan Barber, Sara Jenkins, Peter Hoffman, Romy Dorotan photo: Ruven Afanador

Market Bike photo: Richard Corman

Jersey Street oil by Allen Hirsch